Aims & Scope:


The Studia UBB Digitalia is the official journal of the Transylvania Digital Humanities Center - DigiHUBB. It publishes papers on digital humanities current research topics ans a special section on South Eastern Europe related to the history of computing, digital art, linguistic analysis, corpora creation and other topics related to digital humanities.

It publishes two issues per year, in June (the Summer issue) and in January (the Winter issue), structured in three main sections: a thematic section (articles on the topic of each issue), a general section (articles on any topics in the field of digital humanities) and a review section. We accept papers written in English, French or German.

Studia UBB Digitalia uses double-blind peer review, meaning that both the reviewer’s and author’s identities are concealed from each other during the entire review process. Reviews on recent progress in biomedical sciences are commissioned by the editors.