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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2002  

  Abstract:  The voice of documents The Orthodox Christian "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery from Cluj (1936-1958). The research, based on the documents kept in the official archives of the Archiepiscopate of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, presents the history of "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery, under of the patronage of which it had been built a special institute that prepared the nuns to be also nurses. The convent and this Institute were opened in February 1935 and they found themselves under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Orthodox Archiepiscopate of Vad, Feleac and Cluj and under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Health from that time. The main end of this school put under the care of the monastery was spiritual and professional training of the future nurses in order they should work in the service of charitable institutions of the Church and the State. Unfortunately this school was impeded from functioning for too long a period in Cluj. In 1940 there are a series of unfortunate historical events that culminated in the temporary loss of North Transylvania. In these circumstances so tragic for the Romanians living in the north-eastern parts of Romania, the "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery as well as its Institute are being constrained to move in Sibiu. A charismatic figure that had been leading the destiny of the "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery and of the Institute of the charity nurses was the Prioress Cornelia Ionescu. Constant and faithful, she kept on watching closely the activity of the "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery so as it should not cease. She did this with devotion not only during the Second World War but also during the first years of communist dictatorship. In 1951 Sister Cornelia, bringing with her the inventory of the monastery, came back in Cluj, in the precincts of the "Saint Trinity" church. She came back in Cluj after eleven years of refuge spent in Sibiu and in the "Pasărea" Monastery that is near Bucharest. Meanwhile, the Institute of charity nurses had been done away with. Unfortunately the monastic regulation of life at the "up in the Hill" church did not last for a long period of time. The father confessor of the "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery, Father Florea Mureşan, was sent by the communist authorities for forced labor at the Dunăre-Marea Neagră Channel, then he was moved in the prison from Aiud. The other nuns from the convent spread in different convents. The prioress Cornelia was the only nun to remain watching over the goods of the "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery. She was employed in the humble position of sexton at the "Saint Trinity" church. Nun Cornelia retired on the 29th of September 1958,and on this occasion, the inventory of the "Saint Elisabeth" Monastery was transferred to the Strâmbu Cloister near the city of Dej.  
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