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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2000  

Authors:  MIRCEA OROS.
  Abstract:  Stages of formation Triod. The Great Fast is that privileged time within the liturgical year, when the preparing for the believers participation to the drama of the Passion and the light of the Resurrection during the Passion week takes the form of an ascetic anticipation of the Easter. Within forty days of fasting, wake, and continuous praying they themselves humbly work on the purification and restauration of their defiled and sinful being. This whole spiritual effort of the Great Fast is accompanied in Orthodoxy by the Triod, one of the most profound and complex book. A unique monument of the Eastern Church, a synthesis of the Orthodox Liturgics and ascetics, the Triod concretely initiates the Orthodox believer into the imitation of Jesus Christ, inviting him to a permanent topicalization of his Baptism situated in the heart of the mystery of Resurrection. The service book named Triod, which is nowadays used in the Orthodox Church, represents the result of a long evolution beginning with the origins of the Christian liturgical calendar and maintaining within its structure the evidence of its main stages. Although it is a true cultic and spiritual encyclopedia of the Orthodoxy, unfortunately the Triod is less known and understood nowadays. Like most of the Orthodox values it is an insufficiently used treasure.  
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