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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1 / 2013  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  In the present study we set off to outline a short historical perspective of the way in which the Psalms were received and interpreted in the Patristic writings. We have systematically presented actual examples of exegesis from the Holy Fathers’ commentaries so that we would be able to offer as large a view as possible of this topic. Our approach will begin with the mentioning of the premises the apostolic and the apologetic fathers draft in their works, it will then continue with the exegetic methods for the analysis of the sacred texts characteristic to the schools of Alexandria, Antioch and Caesarea in Cappadocia, and it will end with a presentation of the contribution brought to the development of the exegetic literature on the Psalms by the representative figures of the late patristic period. The research will also extend to the Western space in order to see the evolution the interpretation of the Book of Psalms underwent in the works of its foremost figures. Therefore, at each stage of our approach the most significant details determining the characteristics of the exegetic school or method being analysed have been indicated, and last but not least, we have provided the reader with the authors’ biographical and bibliographical data in the footnotes, so as to ensure an adequate understanding of the context in which they had created these commentaries on the Book of Psalms.

Keywords: Psalm, Apostolic fathers, Apologetic fathers, catechetical schools, Holy Fathers, interpretation, exegetic methods and commentaries.
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