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Authors:  KOZMA ZSOLT.
  Abstract:   In our century, in the midst of non-communication or miscommunication we are confronted with one of the biggest challenges, that is to attempt to realize a full communication. This basic wish is expressed by the deep desire for small communities that are meant to help in finding one’s identity, and, on a broader scale, in the tendency to join leagues, associations, and groups. We can look at these facts both as a challenge for the church and theology, and as a mission received from God that is universally valid for all time. Community and communication are realities linked to each other. Communication is possible only inside of a community. On the other hand verbal and non-verbal communication creates and deepens community, and in this way communication is improved. In order to have communication in a community, a medium is needed. If we look at 1Cor chapters 12-14, we see love is that way that transmits charisma from the prophet to the community (ekklesia). In order to make possible the communication in the church and among the churches the medium of love is necessary. Communication and community find their true meaning in God. The triune God is not a lonely one; God’s intrinsic Me-You relationship is already a reality we can call community. In God we can also see the model of perfect communication, in the act of creation (that shows the full unity between the word and it’s realization), in God’s acts and word addressed to the human person and in the sending of the Son into the world. This perfect community and communication in God is a model for the human person created to be an imago Dei. As God’s only reason to communicate with human creation is to communicate God’s love, this love has to make us willing to break down walls and to be responsible for one another. The mission of the Church and of theology is to communicate, not only through preaching and the sacraments, but also through selfless service. Among the churches a sincere ecumenism is possible only if a real communication exists. The unity already existing in Christ implies a mutual acceptance of our differences without renouncing our convictions, and the deepening of unity in our own community. Another task is to remove ethnic, linguistic and religious borders which demands that we cease to create enemy images of others in other communities. We are responsible to set free the channels through which the Holy Spirit communicates with the church and the world.  
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