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    STUDIA PSYCHOLOGIA-PAEDAGOGIA - Issue no. 2 / 2017  

DOI: 10.24193/subbpsyped.2017.2.02

Published Online: 2017-12-30
Published Print: 2017-12-30
pp. 29-54



ABSTRACT: The discursive manner of Orbis sensualium pictus is marked by the existence of differences in the referential register which condition the literariness of the book in a transtextual mode, since the literariness of the work – similar to its attentional stylistics – does not pertain to the realm of some “constitutive literariness” (having an institutionalised aesthetic purpose), but rather belongs to a so-called “conditional literariness”. The analysis proposed is centered upon the early emergence of certain integral patterns of the literariness of children’s literature which configure, in Orbis sensualium pictus, typological structures and fictional conventions characteristic to the realm of conditional literariness and attentional stylistics. The events of textual literal aspect exist both “intentionally”, and “attentionally” in the receptor’s consciousness or attention. The mutation from “intentional” stylistics to “attentional” stylistics redefines the phenomenon of the literariness by relating it to the two main axles in the referential functioning of linguistic signs, regarding the dialectics between the object world and the text world: the denotative axle of the literal exemplification in the syntagmatic plan of the “intentional” aspect (literalness or stylistics of common speech), respectively the axle of the stylistic expressiveness, into the paradigmatic plan of the “attentional” aspect (literariness or stylistics of the speech considered literary). Upon such foundations is based the entire research, focusing on Orbis sensualium pictus as a comprehensive attempt to involve the lecturer’s functional skills at an early school-age. For the references to the English text of J.A. Comenius’s work, we have used Charles Hoole’s translation (C.W. Bardeen, publisher, 1887). All quotations, chapter titles, etc. included hereafter are taken from this edition, and reproduce faithfully the English translator’s choice of words.

Keywords: intentional stylistics, attentional stylistics, conditional literariness, literalness, literariness, literal exemplification, metaphoric exemplification, lecturer’s functional skills.


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