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    STUDIA PHILOSOPHIA - Issue no. 3 / 2010  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The pervasion of digital technology fosters also the pervasion of radical constructivistic thinking associated with systems theory and cybernetics. It is argued that this gradually changes the way objectivity in science is comprehended even in fields where constructivism does not yet play a major role. Stored data or information gains an ontological status comparable to mass and energy. The signifiers and significata thus are identified. Media art, thereby, is a driving force. It is shown by means of striking examples that the objectivisation of the subject leads to a kind of dialectic endless loop that in turn results in an absurd counteraction against the “system” of which the subject is a reified part. It is furthermore argued that this triggers society by and large into a “cosplay-society” infiltrated by paranoia and conspiratorial thinking. Human beings no longer encounter with themselves. Throughout the article, I refer to Martin Heidegger`s fundamental ontology that I regard as relevant as perhaps never before. However, it is not so much the application of Heidegger`s philosophy to a contemporary field but rather the other way round. Suddenly, Heidegger`s extremely complex philosophy can be understood much better in the light of digital technology. I think that a hermeneutic circle can be triggered where the analysis of digital technology and Heidegger studies cross-fertilise. At least in this sense, the anti-toxic character of digital technology as a very strong pharmakon enfolds its agency.
Keywords: cybernetics, cybernetic art, constructivism, Heidegger, reification, systems theory, Verdinglichung, operational hermeneutics
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