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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 4 / 2018  
  Article:   A VISION OF A VISION.

A Vision of a Vision. When readers and critics look upon the life and works of William Butler Yeats, they most often (and justifiably) focus on his poetry. Nevertheless, an interesting aspect to look into concerns Yeats’ personal philosophy on life and art. It is a perspective that already begins to take shape beginning with his first collection of poetry and which is eventually set to paper in the aptly named A Vision. One of the few scholars to analyze this grandiose text is Harold Bloom, who sees it as “a beautiful book, a considerable if flawed major poem” (Bloom 1970, 210). Flawed or not, A Vision remains a fascinating illustration of the poet’s belief system and the present article explores how this system is constructed.

Keywords: A Vision, William Butler Yeats, system of belief
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