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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 3 / 2001  
  Article:   PROFESSOR D.D. DRAŞOVEANU (1931 – 2001).

  Abstract:  Studying the development of Romanian linguistics and philology according to different schools, D. Macrea noticed that the linguistic school from Cluj was very much interested in diachronic linguistics, with a special interest in the history of the language, but also in general linguistics, Romance linguistics, Lexicology, Phonetics, Phonology, Orthography, Lingustic Geography, Stylistics, Toponimy, Antroponimy, and in many other language sciences whose borders took shape later. The names D. Macrea referred to were, first of all, those of the founders: Sextil Puşcariu, Emil Petrovici, ştefan Paşca, all of them professors at the Department of Romanian Language in our Faculty and researchers at the Museum of Romanian Language. Respecting its principles, the Linguistic School from Cluj assumed, for a long time, the scientific research in domains made well-known by Sextil Puşcariu’s activity, in Dialectology and the History of Language. Then, less than 50 years after the foundation of the Museum of Romanian Language, it declared its availability to approach the linguistic problems in their diversity, or, as it is said today, in their integrality, precisely to give the form of a lasting structure to the work that looked to Macrea in 1978 as "a building site where not all the great buildings were finished". This year, when two of the ones who pleaded for consistency in the linguistic research left us, we should mention that, if Romolus Todoran made the diatopic research of Romanian language last, those who recently left us, Mircea Zdrenghea and D.D. Draşoveanu, ‘pointed’ to the synchronic approach of the language, to the contemporary Romanian; they were interested in Morphology and Syntax, following the linguistic tradition Puşcariu initiated. D.D. Draşoveanu is - both for those who studied under his direct guidance and for all those who, without having the privilege to be near him, found in his work the starting point, the argument for their own scientific research - unquestionably, the founder of the Grammatical School in Cluj for the last 40 years, and the holder of the Contemporary Romanian Language Syntax chair at the Faculty of Letters in Cluj-Napoca.  
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