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    STUDIA OECONOMICA - Issue no. 2 / 2015  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The basic goal of logistical work tasks, processes, mechanisms is to totally satisfy the needs of the partners (customers) in the competitive environment of supply – which is present in the field of education as well. This goal must be the same in public education as well. Nowadays, logistics can be found in every domain of our life and its importance is constantly growing. In our accelerated, globalized world, the logistical way of thinking and the logistical-minded work have become the organizing tools of our life.
The starting focus of the research is the fact that the diverse logistical activities and tasks, as well as the logistical functions and processes based on them, aim at reaching a business goal. This applies both in the competitive sector, and also in public education. In this case, the business goal can be interpreted in a special way, and it is differentiated in the aspect of the different actors of public education. The final objective is to achieve the pedagogic and educational goal. The aim of the study is to draft where the take-off points are in the operation of public education through a logistical approach. The results of the study create the basis for the operation of public education through a logistical approach, as well as for the harmonization of its processes. The result of the research provides a general idea about how the logistical approach prevails in the processes, functional units and hierarchic levels of public educational institutions in Hungary.

JEL Classification: M30, M31, M37, M38, M39

Keywords: elementary school, logistical processes, the logistical way of thinking, public education.
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