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    STUDIA NEGOTIA - Issue no. 2 / 2011  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  This article introduces one of the modern approach to management of self-government – it is the process management in comparation with the functional management and its application´s possibilities in pratice. The self-government whose performance is not based on profit but on the budget and the disposable resources are not applied in the way of maximising the profits but it is focused on meeting the demands of the client – citizen and the self-government is influenced by the political, judicial and economical environment in which it works. The managerial processes decide about the allocation of disposable resources and their input into the processes and the revenues and expenditures are assessed by them. The level of citizens´satisfaction having a textual reflection rather than a numerical representation is highlighted. An efficient method to be applied is the benchmarking which compares the different coefficients of different organisations or self-governments within the same processes.

Key words: process, transformation process, self-government, resources, procedural mapping.

JEL classification: H70, H83, H89 

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