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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Issue no. 2 / 2005  

  Abstract:  Thoughts on the Structures of Power Installed by the Communists in Maramures 1945-1952. Maramures county has always had a particular connotation in the Romanian imaginary. It has either aroused admiration for the ‘stubbornness’ of its inhabitants, or compassion and repulsion for the living conditions, and ultimately smiles for the language spoken or nostalgia for a long-lost way of life. Either way, Maramures has not left people indifferent. Under the magnifying glass of the historian it can give rise to different questions and one of them concerns the relation between this land and the communist regime. The case study we are suggesting attempts to assess an infinitesimal part of this link. Our purpose is not to discuss the totality of the mechanisms, methods and ways used by the communists to obtain absolute control, but rather to principally assess the process of institutionalisation, at local level of the communist party, to which all structural, administrative, juridical and political transformations were subjected. What we would like to suggest in this study is an approach of institutional type which does not wish to exhaust the forms and organisational structures through which it has been attempted and achieved to a certain extent the imposition of the totalitarian regime. We will focus on two major elements: administrative structures and political ones, tightly conditioned between them, which we consider relevant for the way in which this process is visible at local level. If, between 1945 and 1950, we will refer to the district of Maramures, in the territorial limits which it has known at that time, immediately after the administrative reform of September 1950 we will take into account in this analysis two territorial structures, the region of Baia-Mare, emblematic for the way in which the new power has understood to put into practice the Stalinist precepts and models concerning the centralisation of politics, the hierarchisation of the elite structure and the creation of parallel structures of power and the regions Viseu and Sighet, which will designate after this date the space of the former district. In order to understand the complex dimensions of this process, it is necessary to explain some fundamental notions, such as state, political party, power, politics, both from a theoretical perspective and as regards the particular interpretation given to them in the context of ideology and political practice of a communist type, as well as the highlighting of certain social, economic, political or cultural characteristics of the region of Maramures. Bringing them to the discussion has the role of outlining the theoretical framework and of offering sufficient analytical instruments which will help the more refined understanding of the communist model imported to the institutional structures of Romania after the Second World War, but also to highlight the local, particular aspects which give substance and value the ensemble of the methods and instruments used.  
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