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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2003  

  Abstract:  The European Idea in Nicolae Iorga’s Articles. That Iorga thought in terms of the Romanians’ integration in the great European family is a fact that can be proved by surveying his articles published in the press of the epoch. The scholar’s journalistic activity was carried on in a series of Romanian periodicals of various trends and interests, with more or less audience among the public, but of wide circulation and impact on the Romanian public opinion; his radio lectures and published in the press also played a part in influencing and shaping public opinion and, on the other hand, in determining Romanian policy in difficult circumstances for our country and the entire Europe. The articles published in the contemporary press, chiefly those in "L’Independence Roumaine", "Epoca", Sămănătorului", "Neamul românesc", "Neamul românesc pentru popor", "Neamul românesc literar", "Ramuri. Drum drept", "Timpul", "Ideea europeană", "Cuget clar", "Flamuri", dealt with various issues, among which the European idea was approached from a most interesting and consistent perspective. The articles focused on the unity of European civilization and the Romanians’ place in Europe are quite numerous; they prove Iorga’s concern in such matters, as well as a very lucid and unbiased point of view concerning the presentation of the characteristic elements and features of the Romanian nation, the Romanian people and its aspiration to integrate in Europe. Facing the new European realities, Iorga felt compelled to plea for the necessity to shape a new European structure able to resist the "destroyers of civilization", due to whom Europe was threatened with plunging into darkness. One should have in view the depth and originality of his opinions concerning Europe as entity and unity, as well as the contribution of smaller states, among which Romania, to a structure able to oppose barbarity. Europe cannot be underestimated and her nations cannot be destroyed; European civilization will endure despite the destroyers’ attempts at replacing unity and harmony with scission and hatred. The idea of European unity, revealed by Nicolae Iorga’s articles, appears under the form of theoretical presentations and formulation of principles in agreement with the debates and projects of all the intellectuals who advocate European unification. The great historian was consistent in his meditations on Europe.  
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