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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2008  

Authors:  GRIGOR P. POP.

The Structure (Quality) of the Population from the Localities of Ţaga Commune, Cluj County, within the Period 1910-2002. As it is normal, throughout the study the complex problems of the population structures from the localities of Ţaga commune from Cluj County are approached: sexes, age groups, professions, ethnical groups and confessions. As regards the structure on sexes, it is to be underlined that at the commune’s level, for six of the census moments that had been in view, it is noticed that the masculine population (50,5%) surpassed the feminine one (49,5 %) only in the years 1930 and 1956, in 1910 the report being of 49,8% to 50,2%. After this, the phenomenon of the female population’s increase was emphasized gradually, the women holding 50,4% in 1966, then 51,1% in 1992 and 51,2% in 2002, of course, with certain differentiations from a locality to another. The second category of structure, that of the age groups (table 2), followed with fidelity the course of the geo-demographic evolution, conditioned at its turn by the modality of social-historical manifestation in the territory that had been taken in view. Thus, if in 1910, at the commune’s level, those 3855 inhabitants joined in a proportion of 45,2% in the group of young population (0-19 years), to the adult one (20-59 years) reverting 47,0%, and to the old one (60 and more years) only 7,8 %, in 1966 (4058 inhabitants), the three main age groups held, in the mentioned order, 33.3%, 52,5% and 14,2%. After 1966, the process of evolution in the structure of age groups registered modifications from the most evident ones, as a general phenomenon being noticed the considerable reduction of the young population and the increase of the mature one. In 1992, those 2313 inhabitants of the Ţaga commune belonged in a proportion of 20,7 % to the first group, then with 44,4 % to the second one, while the third group reached to 34,9 %. The census data from 2002 show the continuation of the phenomenon of young population decreasing and the increase of the ageing phenomenon, the affirmation being demonstrated by a weight of only 15,8 % of the inhabitants under 20 years (from the total of 2158), while the mature people represented 38,7 %, and the adults reached to 45,5 %. Of course, comparing with the situation of age groups frequency registered at the commune’s level, its component localities present values rather different, for illustration being mentioned the year 1992, when the weight of the young population registered only 5,3 % at Sântejude-Vale, the most increased, respectively 23,2 %, belonging to the commune’s centre (Ţaga), the adults group holding the minimum value at Sântejude (35,3%) and the maximum one at Ţaga (47,9%), while the old people, naturally, represented 56,1% la Sântejude-Vale and 28,9% la Ţaga. As concerns the professional structure of the population, having in view the condition of the rural environment, the corresponding weight of the active population engaged in agriculture is naturally spotlighted, which in 1966 was of 91,7% from the total of those 2642 actives at the commune’s level. Weights near 90 % were registered at Ţaga and Sântioana and more than 90% at Năsal, Sântejude and Sântejude-Vale. In 1992 it decreased till 63,7% (from 1067 active population), the values under the average being presented at Ţaga şi Sântioana. The other two sectors of activity, respectively the industry and services, are characterized by weights concordant with the values specific for agriculture, situation which clearly devolves from the data registered in table 3. In order to study the ethnical structure of the population from the localities in the actual territory of Ţaga commune, three essential moments of threshold were chosen in a period exceeding a century and a half (1850-2002), respectively the years 1850, 1930 and 2002. This shows that in this time did not intervene significant modifications in the national constitution of the inhabitants from the analyzed settlements. Thus, as in the case of other settlements from Fizeşului Valley, the population from the component localities of the commune were and is predominantly Romanian, this registering at the commune’s level 84,6% in 1850 (from 3485 inhabitants), then 86,4% in 1930 (4035 inhabitants) and 91,5 % at the census from 2002 (2158 inhabitants). With two exceptions (79,5% at Ţaga , in 1850, and 77,7% at Sântejude, in 2002), the Romanian population always outrun the weight of 80% in all the localities, in some situations the Romanians holding even more than 90% (Ţaga, 95% in 2002, Sântejude-Vale, 100% in 2002, Sântioana, 91,9% in 1930 and 96% in 2002 and Cesariu, 95,3% in 1850 and 100% in 1930) (table 4). The study is closing with the analysis of the confessional structure (detailed presented in table 5), which evolved in a direct relation with the modality of manifestation of the social-historical factors from the territory in which are positioned the commune’s localities. For the population, the significant moments of threshold were the years from the end of 17th century and the beginning of the next century (the passing from the Orthodox religion to the Greek-Catholic one), then the years 1948 (the abolition of the Greek-Catholic confession and the comprising of the commune’s population in the Orthodox religion), and 1990 (the reappearance of the Greek-Catholic confession). For the Hungarian population, the threshold moment was in the 16th century (the passing from the Roman-Catholic religion to the Protestant one). In accordance with the underlined evolution, the population of 2158 inhabitants of Ţaga commune reached, in 2002, to the following confessional structure: 91,4% Orthodox people, 1,0% Greek-Catholics, 5,7% Protestants, 0,4% Roman-Catholics and 1,5% Neo-Protestants (fig. 5).

KEYWORDS: Structure of population, Ţaga commune, Cluj County, structure on sexes, age groups, professional structures.

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