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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 1 / 2004  

Authors:  ŞT. DEZSI.
  Abstract:  The Evolution of the Settlements Network in Ţara Lăpuşului (Lăpuşului Land), in the XIII-XIV Centuries. The present study analyses the first major phase of the habitat evolution from Lăpuş Land (superposed to the interval comprised between the last part of the 13th century – 14th century, corresponding with the individualization of the settlement’s system and with the functioning of the Lăpuş Land as a social-economic subsystem (included in Ciceu domain, polarized by the homonym fortress and, partially, by the military District situated in neighbourhood – Chioar, the decision specific factors being first of all of a political and a military nature). This phase is characterized by the dominant ascendent evolution of those two mentioned fortresses, as well as by the economic space polarized by them, doubled by the manifestation of some syncope periods (natural, within the given historical-social context, culminating with the destruction of the Ciceu fortress and with the passing of Lăpuşului Land under the jurisdiction of Gherla Fortress), which marked the evolution of the analysed process and which permited the uncovering of two phases of development, and in the same time a differentiation of the settlements’ network: a. the period superposed to the last part of the 13th century – 14th century highlights the forming and the consolidation of the Ciceu fortress domain and of the Chioar military district and in the same time, the initiation of the implementation process of the new allochthon administrative-organizational structures and, together with these, an incipient outline of the settlements’ system; b. the period of the 15th – 16th centuries, corresponding with the maximum phase of development of those two military and administrative-organizational structures (concomitantly with the teasing apart of the allochthon archetypal structures) and their economic power and in the final part of the interval, of the instability and the teasing apart phase of the Ciceu domain (destruction of the Ciceu fortress and the entrance of the Lăpuşului Land in the orbit of Gherla Fortress), which marks the passing to the next phase of lapusean habitual environment’s evolution (which began in the 17th century). From the point of view of the habitatual environment, this subphase corresponds with the consolidation of the western feudal administrative-organisational structures and together with these, of the quantitative development and of the continuation of the structurating process of the Lapuş Land settlement’s system.  
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