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    STUDIA EUROPAEA - Issue no. 1 / 2005  

  Abstract:  The resurrection of Europeanism as ideology in post-communist Romania was done in villa from downtown Cluj, in the surroundings of the library of a great scholar who had reached the biological - but not psychological, old age, in the years following the 1989 overthrow. Back then, after two years during which Ion Iliescu and his collaborators had thought that the autochthonous revolutionary impetus could be quenched by a Gorbachev-like government of the perestroika-glasnost type, the arresting of the last USSR president, his stormy release and the dissolution, in 1991, of the communist colossus in the east threw the Romanian decision-makers into a persistent state of confusion for the years to follow. The voice that was distinctly heard, for those who chose to listen to it, putting forward the natural orientation towards the European Union - not only in the field of Romania''s external alliances, but also as a pattern of civilisation, was that of Adrian Marino. Through a series of articles, studies, essays and responses to surveys, the up-to-then literary critic and the encyclopaedic hermeneutist articulated, between 1991 and 1994, what would later become the contents of the first Europeanist book-manifesto in post-communist Romania. As a result of fortunate circumstances, Silviu Lupescu, who had been up to that moment the editor of the European Institute in Iaşi, inaugurated, in 1995, the activity of his new publishing house, Polirom, with the volume entitled Pentru Europa. Integrarea Romaniei. Aspecte ideologice şi culturale. (Pro Europe. Romania''s Integration. Cultural and Ideological Aspects). This books appears to be, moreover, the last book he published during his lifetime, the second edition being published - in a revised and completed form, these very days, to mark the festive ten-year anniversary of the Polirom publishing house.  
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