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    STUDIA EUROPAEA - Issue no. 1 / 2001  

  Abstract:  A lot of pages have been written about the American construction and maybe even more about Europe. But even though the expression of the United States of Europe is still in use, nobody seems to be interested in drawing a parallel between the two constructions. Perhaps the explanation resides in the multitude of differences easy to observe: no common language, no common history, traditions or religion, any common political system and so forth. That’s why the belief that if it is to be done, the European Union will be something radical different from the United Sates, so what good to draw a parallel between? This lack of interest is also due to another widespread belief – namely that the importance of Europe in the world history is to be found nowhere else but in the past. The future can’t provide for her anything more but a second-hand task. “Commander of the world, she [Europe] also civilized it, imprinting all other nations, tribes and continents with her own image. (…) And insofar as we subscribe to this story, we have to prepare for the funeral oration. Europe, the mighty, the leader of the world, no longer exists; Europe, the source of inspiration for all higher cultures, has been exhausted. May she rest in peace.  
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