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    STUDIA DRAMATICA - Issue no. 2 / 2006  
  Article:   MYTHBUSTERS.


With a strange, nearly achelogical discipline, the autor is recomposing - from critical texts, books and reviews - the impact of Andrei Serban’s first staged work after 1989 in Romania. The essay uses a challenging point of views in a theoretical approach. It begins by questioning an issue, that no theatre critic feels to doubt about anymore, for the simple reason that it concerns a myth: Andrei Şerban’s homecoming in Bucharest after nearly twenty years, when he is said to have saved the Romanian theatrical art by creating brand new management concepts (being the head manager of The National Theatre) and a breathtaking performance, entitled O trilogie antică (A Greek Trilogy).The purpose is to demonstrate that his management, on one hand, and his performance, on the other, have been truely so much different to all that was Romanian theatre at that time. The relevance of the procedure comes out of the use of contemporary criteria of theatre analysis (offered by Miruna Runcan and Marian Popescu, both theatre critics and historians).

Keywords: theatre, Andrei Şerban, theatre management

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