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    STUDIA DRAMATICA - Issue no. 1 / 2006  
  Article:   THE METHOD / A MÓDSZER.


Professor Hatházi András (also a well known and awarded actor) offers in this study a short summary of his personal method in acting. During the last five years he found eight important points that he had to teach to students. Theese are: Concentration, Body-consciousness, Self-confidence–Freedom, Phantasy–Picture, Energy, Rythm, Measure and Companionship. His point of view is that the first four elements are indispensable in the basic period of study, and the last four elements introduce the young performers into the actor’s technique. In other words, it shows them the actor’s effect on the stage. Here, after a short Introduction, the author focuses on the first and the second element of the Method: Concentration and Body-consciousness.

Keywords: theatre, actor, training method

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