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    STUDIA SOCIOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2013  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  This article is built on the final Romanian long report about the contextual inquiry “Faces and Causes of the Roma Marginalization in Local Settings” (2013) with the aim to illustrate with further cases the phenomenon of the spatialization of Roma exclusion, the very topic of the SPAREX research which this issue of Studia UBB Sociologia is dedicated to. The final report structured the vast empirical material collected in 25 localities in six chapters, broadly discussing local administrative, developmental and institutional contexts, issues of school education, employment and Roma participation and political representation, and presenting an overview on the formation and current situation of deprived “Roma segments”. The present article is focused on the latter issue, yet describing their local economic and housing context, and revealing how trans-local phenomena such as the lack of labour opportunities in the Romanian economy and the deficiencies of development policies shape/restrain the prospects of Roma communities to make their living on the localized stages of complex power relations. Following Nancy Fraser’s approach on recognitions and redistribution, the conclusions set forth a three dimensional model of empowerment for marginalized and underprivileged Roma groups, including social inclusion, cultural recognition and political representation.

Keywords: Uneven local development, precarious labour; housing deprivation; differentiation of “Roma segments”, three-dimensional empowerment

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