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    STUDIA DRAMATICA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2014  

  Rezumat:   The theatre of reciprocity proves to be an experience of a priceless value, from an artistic as well as from a human point of view. It sheds light upon the beauty of artistic and social exchange and shows us today how theatre (and especially the specific form of the “barter” used by the Odin Teatret) can bring together people who live in the same community but don’t really know each other, and how it can reveal to this community new paths to artistic and human collaboration.Throught a set of examples of theatrical experiences (“Headlong Harvest Feast” in Hvidbjerg, 2003 and Idom, 2005; Holstebro Festive week “The splendour of ages” 2005; Snow cathedrals, Røros, Norway, 2007, Holstebro Festive week – Light and darkness 2008; City Arabesk, 2011; Saeta, 2013), the present article explores this extremely rich but simple way of doing theatre, a the theatre of reciprocity, which can contribute to make theatre survive in all the corners of society and to continue to be part of our culture, there, where it could once be found before it moved to the big heated rooms with comfortable seats. Because the theatre must and can do something else than other artforms. 

Key-words: theatre of reciprocity, barter, Harvets feast, Odin Teatret.
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