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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA%20ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 2 / 2008  

  Abstract:  The Personal Specific of Moral Responsibility. The responsibility is a gift of God which activates herself first in the person and then becomes communitarian through her activation. Responsibility, same as resemblance, fulfils herself continuously, in a personal way, through impropriating, assuming and especially living the act of responsibility. The man defines himself from this point of view, simply but gravely, as a responsible being or responsible person, this datum – full of sense and nobility, but also of gravity – characterizing his whole existence. For the moral life, the importance of assuming responsibility in a personal way, with her specifically personal aspects, resides in the fact that of its success or failure depends the achievement, in different proportions and on different qualitative levels, of the resemblance with God. The person receives the sense of responsibility as a datum of her being, which is revealed together with the physical and spiritual development. The fulfillment of responsibility is made by man, but in collaboration with God, Which, by love, offers him not only the gift in itself – and even this one, gradually – but also the power of working it and even the feeling that the work is entirely made by the person, that the person herself is the one that carries out the responsibility. If the person is aware of her aim in the world, she will assume the responsibilities taking them over as acts that she creates, fulfills and – even if the assuming act won’t produce or will be partially realized – will be responsible for.

Keywords: moral, person, responsibility, responsibility as gift, assuming of responsibility, creation, comunity, freedom in God

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