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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA%20ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1 / 2010  

  Abstract:  Sabatarian literature in prose, in what regards its volume and content, ranges as incomparably larger and more important than the one written in verse. Through the perspective of cultural history and in its scientific aspect, it is the most consistent part of the sabatarian literature and its calibre is of such size that we fail to find its match in the Hungarian literature of that time. As for the spirit and direction manifested by the sabatarian prose, it comes in harmony with the sabatarian poetry of that period, as both are translations or processed variants of Jewish literary works. Sabatarian poetry is concerned with Judaic Mass, whereas sabatarian prose reflects Biblical explanations, Judaic ethics and religious practice. Each of these distinct works live up to the standards of Jewish requirements and grammar of that time. There are Jewish works in the old Judaic literature which have been translated or adapted only in Hungarian, and in no other language until today. And this entire literary legacy has not only remained unpublished, but also – it can be said – almost completely unknown. The literature in question belongs totally to Simon Pechi; thus, while making it familiar to the readers, we actually promote Pechi’s literary work. The current paper presents Simon Péchi’s early works, as well as those having a different content, works which are explained in the chronological order of their issuing. This order is meaningful in what regards the gradual development undergone by the author’s intelectual and spiritual life. His literary activity in prose sets out with Jewish-style religious hymns, it goes on with works taken from Judaic scientific or ethical themes and ends with works teaching Judaic religious practice. Simon Péchi’s teological works that we know about, written in prose, are vast, unfolding over more than 5000 pages.

Keywords: Sabatarian literature, sabatarian prose, sabatarian poetry, Judaic ethics.
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