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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA%20ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1 / 2009  

  Abstract:  The Church’s teaching has been put into practice from the beginning of Christianity. The holly Apostles in their missionary work saw in everyone sons of the same God. Their teaching speaks to all ages. The same way the Apostles did, the Holly Fathers justify in their writings their attitude to include Christians of all ages.Saint Basil the Great was one of the first big teachers of the Christian world. All his life he learned in order to be able to teach others. His activity was various; all his writings constitute a special treasure with a normative character for our faith.Saint Basil the Great advises to accumulate the habituations through which thought turns to God, so that you can feel Him and serve Him entirely. The true Christian feelings demand for a permanent purification of thought and of the profound places of the soul. It is also demanding for the strengthening of reason and for the permanent awake of the difficult work to direct the spiritual life after God’s will.Saint Basil the Great knew how to combine successfully the teaching of faith with the pedagogical methods used by Jesus Christ, because The Lord was for him the supreme example and that is why he became an exemplary servant. A deep and complete interpretation of Saint Basil’s teaching emphasizes love as a great power of educational influence of improvement to the good deeds and of advance in the spiritual life. His profound spiritual guide activity, which he had developed with an extreme zeal, made him a brilliant representative of Christian pedagogy and a model for all the Christian teachers of our time.

Keywords: Basil the Great, Christian pedagogy, mission of the Church, spiritual life.
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