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    STUDIA PHILOSOPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2012  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  This paper discusses the various ways in which our representations can affect, can interfere with, can mirror themselves in, or can even establish our perceptions. In the present study we will conduct our inquiry from within the Kantian paradigm, trying to follow the avatars of the Kantian vision in the philosophy of Edmund Husserl and David Bohm.The aim of this paper is to explain how objects acquire a distinct identity within the web of determinations that modulate our consciousness. The functional equilibrium of our reality depends on our capacity to generate and sustain meaningful objects through the constant interplay and reciprocal conditioning among the so called “sense data”, the concepts within our intellect and the synthetic, productive, recognizing and reproductive function of our imagination. What unites the three thinkers is a unitary vision upon the connected phenomena that provide for us coherent and cohesive experiences with objects, and to this end we will discuss in turns notions such as the transcendental object X at Kant, the intentional object at Husserl and the object at Bohm. Last but not least, another ambition of this study is to provide links and arguments in favor of the idea according to which the Kantian vision upon the phenomena involved in creating and sustaining reality, though modulated and improved by phenomenology and by quantum physics, is still the indispensable and fundamental basis of any argument regarding the structure of reality.

Keywords: transcendental object X, threefold synthesis of imagination, intentional object, unity of consciousness, constitution of objects, law of overall necessity, revalorization of the lived-world 

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