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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 4 / 2017  

DOI: 10.24193/subbphilo.2017.4.16

Published Online: 2017-12-15
Published Print: 2017-12-29
pp. 199-210


Reflexions of jazz in Portuguese literature. Portuguese literature has often intoned the hymn to liberty rewritten under innumerable forms by jazz music. André Shan Lima, Jorge de Sena, Almada Negreiros, Natália Correia, Levi Condinho, Manuel de Freitas and Adolfo Casais Monteiro have drawn upon the ambiguous resonance of jazz in order to appropriate the art of the unpredictable. António Ferro descried, between the electrifying sounds of the jazzband, “the voltaic arch of the universe”. Lídia Jorge built in her romance “A Noite das Mulheres Cantoras” the empire of the everlasting present. Francisco Duarte Azevedo bemoaned, in “O Trompete de Miles Davis”, the impossibility of forgetting jazz, which is as pervasive as nicotine, and João Tordo turned “O Ano Sabático” into an identity labyrinth inhabited by the mythical indetermination of jazz. We can thus assert that Portuguese literature has entirely assimilated the kaleidoscopic game of possibilities inherent in jazz music.

Keywords: jazz, liberty, time, space, identity.

Referências bibliográficas:
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Yaffe, D. (2005). Fascinating Rhythm: Reading Jazz in American Writing. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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