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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 2 / 2013  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  Language Learning and Using Strategies in ESP. The concept of strategic competence is an essential component of the communication competence in a foreign language. It is intimately correlated with the main significance of language learning strategies (LLS) and language using strategies (LUS). In the context of the high level of English proficiency required/expected from the technical universities graduates to have initial access to the labour market and then to develop successful careers, tertiary education actors, such as ESP teachers, should contribute to the increase of the foreign languages teaching/learning process effectiveness. This can be done, as we maintain in this study, by introducing in the ESP course a cycle of activities whose main aims are to raise the degree of awareness and acquisition, in a motivated manner, of LLS and LUS, by the students. Our learners should be supported in identifying, maximizing and refining their strategic repertory of learning and using the foreign language at course and mainly at post-course levels, in an autonomous manner. Various ways of explicitly and implicitly including LLS and LUS in an EST course are investigated, as they were designed and applied in the author’s educational context. Possible extensions, suggestions and recommendations as regards the introduction of LLS and LUS in ESP courses in general have emerged from the research findings. These are presented with a view to sharing fellow ESP teachers’ opinions.

Keywords: language learning strategies, language using strategies, ESP, life long learning.

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