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    STUDIA NEGOTIA - Issue no. 4 / 2010  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The paper highlights a set of actions that should help hospitality industry managers implement and maintain online promotion techniques and strategies in order to positively influence the rate of clients’ adoption. Some of these suggestions, namely using artificial intelligence software to alert Internet Banking users that they can find better tourism deals than the ones they are about to pay or using similar software to notify online buyers of different products (egg: bags) that they can benefit from great tourism offers, are new approaches to modern and really interactive online marketing.
Efficiently integrating online marketing in the general marketing strategies of the companies within the tourism sector is a challenge for all hospitality industry managers, even if Internet marketing is a complementary part of the classic marketing.
Therefore, hospitality industry managers should pay special attention to creating permanent harmony between the classical marketing and the online one, in terms of company identity, marketing instruments or clients’ attraction impact.
The companies within the tourism sector must develop their marketing strategies in a modern manner and the role and importance assigned to each type of marketing instruments - classical or virtual – should be seen exclusively through the total efficiency indicator.
The main objective of the paper is to identify possible solutions to efficiently promoting tourism offers online.
The approach proceeds from advancing the main ad-ons that online marketing can bring in terms of marketing mix, followed by concrete suggestions and examples, supported by a consistent literature survey, over the possible modern online promotion solutions to be considered by the managers (Pay-Per-Click, Pay-Per-Lead, Pay-Per-Sale, Google AdSense etc).
As a result, the paper can represent a fresh and innovative perspective on the online promotion techniques and strategies, which might be of interest to hospitality industry managers, Internet Banking providers, academics and researchers. Some of the solutions offered by the author are original.

Key words: tourism, online promotion, clients’ adoption rate, high efficiency.

JEL classification: L83 

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