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    STUDIA MUSICA - Issue no. 1 / 2016  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:   This study is about the singing and the actions connected to the singing both of the Old Testament and The New Testament. This study presents the musical, artistic and theological significations of some biblical concepts and also, their semantic entourage. An interesting part would be the part that describes the biblical instruments, which are those instruments which were known and used at the religious ceremonies in Israel and to the profane actions, too. This study will deal separately with the spreading if the usage of the organ into the church environment and the measurements of certain synods that are connected to the church music that is previous to the Reformation. After this, this study presents the history of the organ in Ţara Călatei. It communicated the well-known biographic data of the maestros that built the organ, the years of the construction of the organ that belong to a congregation and also the archive information that refers to the history of the instruments that have been before the existing organs.

Keywords: psalms, musical instruments, singing, worship, organ, sinat
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