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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Issue no. 1 / 2004  

  Abstract:  Vasile Mangra and the Memorandum Movement. Identifying himself with the ideas promoted by the "Tribuna" periodical, which had often claimed that the natural ally of the intelligentsia could be but the people, Vasile Mangra began a fruitful collaboration with the Sibiu leaders, who offered him their total scientific support in political issues. In time, dissensions arose between the young staff of "Tribuna" and I. Raţiu’s collaborators. The former suggested a new and more active strategy of political struggle, focused on developing relationships with Romanian politicians. They hoped that they would intercede with the Triple Alliance, which in its turn would make pressures on the Budapest government to grant the Romanians more rights. Consequently, until the presentation of the Memorandum to the throne, V. Mangra may be ascribed the part of a national consciousness "mobilizer" in the Arad area. V. Mangra did not participate in the delegation that forwarded the document to the Court of Vienna. Nevertheless, he cannot be excluded from the group that contributed to the presentation of the Memorandum to emperor Francis Joseph I due to his collaboration with the people who drafted the Memorandum and his intercession in Vienna with Ernst Schneider, leading representative of the Social Christian Party, and other influential personalities. His aim was reached: the internationalization of the problems confronting the Romanian people within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The 1894 imprisonment of the Memorandum writers, offered V. Mangra the opportunity to assert himself in the political sphere with his election as substitute president of the Romanian National Party.  
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