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    STUDIA GEOLOGIA - Issue no. Special%20Issue / 2009  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The stones used in the town of Bergamo are described in a geo-architectonical journey from the Lower Town (“Città Bassa”) to the Upper Town (“Città Alta”). Our attention focuses on characteristic building materials employed in the medieval area around “Piazza Vecchia” (the old square), defined by the famous architect Le Corbusier, “the best square all over the world”. “It should be a shame to change just only a stone” he remarked during the International Architecture Modern Exposition on 1949. Le Corbusier was really fascinated by the beauty of the architectonical elements forming a mix of different styles and periods and he also appreciated the preciousness of the local building materials. Most of the stones used in the architecture of Bergamo are sandstones and carbonate rocks (limestones and dolostones), although stones from the whole Lombardy, Veneto and Ticino’s areas are present too (Colective, 2003-a, 2003-b; Bugini and Folli, 2004; Marchetti, 2003; Merisio, 2002; Paganoni, 1987; Signori, 2002).

Key words: Italian Stones, Bergamo Stones; Credaro and Simona Stones; Sarnico and Castagneta Sandstone; Ceppo Conglomerate; Arabescato Orobico and Zandobbio Marbles.
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