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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2003  

Authors:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Abstract:  Forms of Social-Political and Administrative-Territorial Organisation in Cluj County. The present study firstly highlights the specific feature of the county’s geographical position within the actual phase, which in the most part is grafted on the hydrographical basin of the Small Someş, with all its printed specific features, the more restricted areas also belonging to the Great Someş, Someş, Fast Criş and Arieş Basins. After height, the analysed unit enrols for an écarté of height exceeding 1 600 m, respectively 220 m in the inferior part (the zone of the locality Valea Groşilor) and 1 836 m in Vlădeasa Mountains. Without returning too much in history, it must be emphasized that the county’s territory always belong to the native population existing here, even before the coming of the Romans in Transylvania for salt and gold. Subsequently, after the Roman retreat at the south of Danube (years 271-275) and in spite of the passing by through this space of so many different migratory people, the native population continued to live on the county’s territory, so that in 2002 the Cluj County hold 79,4 % from the total of those 703 269 inhabitants, the Hungarian people hold 17,4 %, Gypsies 2,8 % etc. The first centuries of the 2nd millenium correspond with the entrance on the Hungarian people in Transylvania territory, which organized counties in this space, the city of Cluj maintaining in this form, even in the conditions of Ottoman suzerainty and Habsburg domination (the half of the 16th century – 1867), with certain territorial modifications until 1925, when the territory of Transylvania was organized in counties, subdivisions of counties without a juridical personality (plăşi) and communes. After the 2nd World War it was proceeded to the space’s organizing in regions, subdivisions of regions (rayon) and communes, and beginning with 1968 it was reverted to the form corresponding to the interwar period, without the presence of the subdivisions of counties (plăşi), so that in present, the county, with a surface of 6 674,4 km2 and with a density of 105,4 inh. /km2 is formed of five municipalities: Cluj-Napoca, Turda, Dej (with three component localities, respectively Ocna Dejului, Pintic and Şomcutu Mic), Câmpia Turzii and Gherla (also with three component localities, namely Băiţa, Hăşdate and Silivaş), a town, Huedin (with the component locality Bicălatu) and 75 communes. Having in view some ideas conveyed at a governmental level, beginning with 2002 and with a view to a new administrative-territorial division of Romania, some aspects concerning the opportunity of such an approach are also underlined in the paper, from which comes off the conclusion that in Romania, in this period, the essential problem is that of the corresponding management in the administration at all levels and not the form of administrative-territorial organization which must be characterized through stability for a long period of time.  
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