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    STUDIA EUROPAEA - Issue no. 2 / 2017  

DOI: 10.24193/subbeuropaea.2017.2.04

Published Online: 2017-06-30
Published Print: 2017-06-30


Among many conceptualizations, Europeanization can be understood as a mediatized discourse on the triumph and failures of European integration. Supporting this perspective, we turn to framing theory and research to make a comprehensive analysis of the Romanian media coverage of the refugee crisis. We choose to focus on this particular context due to its practical consequences and its potential to refuel Eurosceptic and populist arguments among the member states. Our paper aims to identify the prevalent themes associated with the issue, and the specific manner in which the refugee crisis is framed in high-impact media outlets in Romania. The refugee crisis is the symptom of a broader restructuring of international relations. It is expected that the way this crisis is framed and perceived will shape major political decisions in the EU.

Keywords: immigrant crisis, Euroscepticism, European integration, framing.


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