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    STUDIA EDUCATIO%20ARTIS%20GYMNASTICAE - Issue no. 1 / 1999  

Authors:  FLAVIA RUSU.
  Abstract:  Olympian Concept and Professional Sport. For most of people sport is part of life. Like a part of every day reality, social phenomena with universal property, sport has become an activity that belongs to the cultural area, for a long time. This activity, based on free choice first of all, has the purpose of physical and spiritual perfectibility of the human personality. Our century was named "this strange century of sport". This last century of sport may be real strange if we think at the major change that has taken place in these hundred years. At the beginning, the word of sport was animated by the whishes to live after the issues of the harmonious ideal of the Greek antique history, rediscovered by Pierre de Coubertin. The whole philosophy of sport at the beginning of this century was the following: education, getting the inside and outside balance of the human personality and only after that, the sport performance. Following the path of the human society in a continuous change, the sport activity problems are today planetary. The sport movement is challenged with serious dilemma if we think that almost the time the real values and the morals of sport are dropped. Nonprofessional sport activity, which was viewed as a self-abnegation and self-disciplined process conferring nobleness to sport, was devaluate under the demand that sport should suit present realities. To regain fairness, sport activity must return to the roots, must have the power to revive the purposes and ideas that were primarily at its basis. It is necessary now, more than ever, to help sport to find its moral values again. We are confident: sports have resorts to get back their balance. Applying of the Olympian concept in professional athlete’s activity could be enough to help moral values impose.  
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