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    STUDIA BIOETHICA - Issue no. 2 / 2008  

Authors:  JOHN BRECK.
  Abstract:   If there is in present so much confusion regarding taking ethical decisions, this doesn’t happen only due to the novelty and complexity of the problems we confront. The main reason is the fact that the branch ethics has been cut from its theological roots. If it is to be considered as a genuine “moral theology” the ethical reflection must start from the belief of the Church and express this. It must start and end with the belief that Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life the foundation and the finality of any moral action, no matter haw concrete or trivial it might seem. Ethics is an applied theology, the theology in action. Therefore it finds the most elementary and eloquent affirmation in the well known liturgical formula that ends many orthodox services: “Give ourselves and one another and all our life to God”. Before making reference to the concrete moral problems same of the fundamental elements of the Christian belief, will be taken again which sustain the reflection of the true morals. The next parts of the chapter will stop on the doctrine of the Church that define the Orthodoxy: teachings about God as a Trinity, about the human person as a carrier of a God’s face, about God’s savior work in Christ and about the theosis as ultimate aim of human existence. In the end the problem of distinguishing in the moral life and the work of the Holly Spirit in the human conscience is debated regarding this discernment. In this way it is shown in what way the biblical and patristic tradition can speak (directly and steadfast) about the moral problems that appear so tormenting today. The first questions keeps in mind is this: in what way can the abstract theological principles be applied in a useful way in concrete “ethical moments” especially when decisions of life and death must be taken? In other way haw can the Christian creed principles help us know God’s will in concrete situations and act according to this will for our good and of those we are responsible for.

Key words: Trinity, human person, face and resemblance, moral decision, conscience, deification, discernment, education.
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